Friday, April 3, 2009

I wish when something bad left, it would STAY GONE

Well, I'm home from my week long stay in the hospital. Wow, the week actually went fast. And despite all the pain, it really wasn't that bad...until today. The surgery went well. The surgery (called vertebroplasty) was kinda painful as I said before. I can't even describe to you how it felt......ugh. Anyways, they decided to take a biospy of the area just to be safe (as they weren't 100% sure as to why it had re-fractured anyways). I got through yesterday. Today was even better. Less pain daily, which I pray continues. The doctor came in around 2:00 to speak to me/send me home. I knew going to NYC was out of the question by the conversation's we had previously. I was very much bummed.....this was something I've been looking forward to since LAST school year!!!! But, it's ok. My health comes first. Anyways, they asked if I wanted to go home and of course I said yes. Then they said they had some bad news from the biopsy they took. The cancer is back. I was stunned. I just had a bone marrow biopsy done 2 weeks ago and the marrow looked great. So, this has come back in less than 2 weeks. I could not believe it. I didn't want to believe it. The doctors didn't want to believe it. Thankfully, it was Richard, my stepdad there with me. My mom would have freaked, causing me to freak. I cried.......asked how, why? This isn't fair....because it's not fair. They're not really sure how and of course no one knows why. So, I have an appointment with Leslie and Dr. Aggarwal on Monday morning to discuss everything and go over options. We can now look into possibly getting either a bone marrow and stem cell transplant. Hopefully, one of those is an option and it completely cures it. Otherwise, it's more treatment only rougher. I know I can get through this. It just sucks. I was so ready to be done. So ready to start fresh!! So excited about next school year already!!! But, we hit a speed bump. And, since it's only been 2 weeks, it's a very small speedbump that I KNOW God is going to get us over quickly!!!! So keep praying. Pray, pray, pray because I will not stop until this is gone for GOOD!! And it will be gone before summer. I promise you that and I promise myself that!!!! I am strong and powerful and my God is even more strong and powerful than I and I completely trust in him. Let's trust in him together.......

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