Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I am so exhausted today. I had thought my counts were as low as they were going to get but my hemoglobin and platelets dropped again today. So, I am totally exhausted today. I've wanted to nap all day but it hasn't happened. Doctor said this morning that my counts should be on there way up now so we'll see how they are tomorrow. I got my Neupogen shot again last night. It was slightly sore afterwards but I didn't think anything of it. There was like a hard bump where I got it but I figured it was just from the medicine. About an hour went by, and I started getting a bruise. By the end of the night, the bruise was huge and awful and today it's even worse!! Here's a lovely picture of it.

Nice huh? I get the shot again tonight but it'll go in the other arm. I asked the nurse to please not make them matching lol. The nurse last night apologized and said she probably just hit a blood vessel. No biggy. I'm used to bruises with all this stuff. Here's one from an IV that got taken out.....not pretty, but it's starting to look better!

And, finally, here is a picture of my lovely piccline. They put it in after I'd been here for a couple of days. Yes, I have the port but it only has one line. With the new chemo's I was going to get, they needed to have seperate lines and rather than continually stick me, they decided to do the picc. Which is fine with me. No more pokes!! Not sure how long I'll have it but thats ok.

Yes, so now that I've learned how to post pictures, and with as bored as I get, this could get fun =) haha So, continuing to stay positive. I know there are lots of prayers going up for me as well Bri that she is my match. And I know she is. I have no doubt that I've gone through this relapse for her to cure me. We just have to wait.....and be patient which is very difficult for me!! But, God will get me through. My faith in Him has not wavered. I will continue to lean on Him and trust in Him. Thank you all for you prayers!! Keep em coming!!

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