Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rough stuff = done

I made it through the last 2 weeks.....PTL. Today, before they started chemo, they took a CBC to see how my blood counts were looking. And they are loooooooow. The doctor thinks that by Saturday, they'll be completely down to zero, which isn't exactly good. If my hemoglobin gets below 8, then I have to have a blood transfusion, which I do NOT want to have. My white count is already only at 1.5 which means I can easily get sick. So, they started me on a couple anti-biotics to help me fight off any illnesses that may come my way. I have to watch what I do and where I go all weekend. She said it's up to how I feel but don't push it. So, there is a good possibility that I won't make it to my games this weekend. We have a band/choir concert on Sunday that I'm supposed to be at so I'm praying I can make it to that. Actually, I'm praying that my counts don't crash and I'll feel fine. Right now, I'm just completely exhausted. After the last 2 weeks of chemo and the last 2 nights at my sister's, I'm ready to sleep in my own bed. So, pray that I feel ok and PRAY that my counts don't get any lower. I do not want to end up in the ER having to get blood. Yuck. But, the good news is, I made it through! Only 2 more treatments until maintenance starts!!! YIPPEE!!!

1 comment:

Annette said...

You don't know me but I follow your blog. You are amazing and such a testimony of God's love. The strength you have is amazing! You are fighting this horrible disease head on and winning. Keep strong!