Friday, September 5, 2008

The weekend

Well, I apologize for not blogging since Tuesday. It has been a miserable week for me. I finished taking one of the prescriptions and it has put me in such excrutiating pain not being on it anymore. I called the nurse who spoke to the doctor and all they could do is put me on pain pills. So, I've been completely miserable all week. I'm not in as much pain today but I have the worst headache and I've had it since yesterday. Plus, I got sick this morning which is the first time I've gotten sick since being diagnosed. I think it may have been the pain pills but still. Not fun. I really want to start feeling better so I can get back to band and cheer at least part time but next week, I start treatment 4 days a week so wh0 knows how I'll feel. Hopefully, I'll be back to work by the end of the month. I really want to get back-I miss everyone so much! I'll find out next week if I'm in remission, which I'm sure I am but keep me in your prayers!! Well, I know this is short but I'm still not feeling the best. Pray that I feel better tomorrow!

Good luck Cavs tonight against Versailles! I know you'll bring home another WIN! Good luck band and cheerleaders! I know you'll look great! Miss you all!

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