Monday, September 29, 2008

Good start...

Today was a good start to what I hope is a great week. I was able to go to work today for the last half of the day and then cheer practice. I'm hoping I'm able to go every day (except Tuesdays, which are treatment days) as I really can't afford to not work much longer. I'm already out of sick days so I'm on leave without you can imagine how I'm starting to get stressed. I'm trying not to worry about it because I know God will provide but.....I'm a worrier. =)

Tomorrow is treatment day. It wouldn't be so bad but I have to get I.T. which is the spinal treatment. After my spinal headache last time.....I'm just praying that it doesn't happen again. I have to tell you that I'm so sick of the I.T. I know it's nessecary but I hate it. I pray tomorrow is a good day and I get through it ok. I really want to be able to work the rest of the week and from here on out. As I said before, God will provide!

I want to thank everyone again from Parkway and Coldwater for all the fundraising you've done. I so greatly appreciate it! I know the Coldwater community is still fundraising as I type and it means so much and is such a great help to me! THANK YOU!!

1 comment:

amber said...

Praying you have a good day today at treatment. I'm glad you are feeling better!!! Love ya...stay strong I'm confident God will get you through this.