Monday, September 8, 2008

Praise God for this beautiful day!

I feel great today! And I am SO THANKFUL to God for that! This is the first Monday, actually the first day in awhile that I've felt this good! I even drove my car today!! I ran some errands and actually got outside and it felt awesome! I felt normal again. And it feels so good! I only hope and pray that God blesses me the rest of the week and I continue to feel this good. Thank you to all of you who have been praying for me! It's working and I truly appreciate it. God is truly awesome.

1 comment:

Sue Kahlig said...

Cindy gave us your blog and you are such an inspiration to SO many people. We are blessed with your courage, faith and dedication. We will continue to pray for you! You go girl! Sue, Jim, Ben, Mike, Jen, and Emily Kahlig