Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So far, so good

Well, I felt so good last night that I went to band practice. And it felt GREAT to be back!! I plan on being there tomorrow and at the game on Friday. I'll also be at cheer both days as well. So, keep those prayers coming that I continue to feel great so I can be there. It feels so great to be there and participating. I hope this is the start of me being back for good. As for getting back to work during the day, I think I have at least a couple more weeks. I'm hoping to get back half days soon, like in the afternoons. Since I'm in remission now, it shouldn't be a problem.

Today's treatment went ok. I had to have IT chemo, which is the shot in the spine. I know I've said it before but I HATE IT. It's so uncomfortable. And today was super bad for some reason. I was half in tears during the entire process. But, I made it through. The worst part is, I've had the WORST headache since about 10:00 last night and it hasn't gone away. Thankfully, it's slowly starting too. Hopefully, it'll be gone by morning. Thank you all for your continued prayers. God is truly working in me and I can't wait to share my testimony with everyone.

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