Thursday, November 20, 2008

Feeling better

I'm starting to feel better mood wise, which is good. Going to work definitely helps. The students make me laugh, which is great medicine =) Today was treatment day and it wasn't too bad. Right now, I'm feeling a little yuck, but this treatment doesn't bother me too bad so I'll be fine. Thank you all for your support through comments and your prayers. It really helps to know people care =)
I'm really excited for next week. My cousin, Lindsey, is coming home for Thanksgiving and staying here with me. We're actually going to go out on the town Weds night, which I'm so excited for! Just to get out and see people!! I'll be drinking water, of course =) It'll just be so great to get out!!! And I can't wait to see my family on Thanksgiving. Well, I'm going to make some dinner so chow for now! =)

1 comment:

amber said...

I'm glad you're feeling better!!! I am coming home on Sunday and not leaving till the following Sunday so if you want to get together sometime that would be awesome. I thought about going out on Wednesday too, I'll have to see what I'm doing. Sheila is having her baby on Monday (she's being induced) so I'm not sure what I'm doing!! Anyways I'll get a hold of you. Miss ya!! Love ya hun.