Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bengals finally win!

The Bengals finally won today!! And I had a great weekend! Friday night, the Cavs won the first game of the tournament. Yesterday, I had a great day hanging out with my sister and her family. My little 2 year old nephew was hilarious, as always. Brandt, my older nephew, was with his dad so I didn't get to see him. Logan though.....he is too funny. He always looks at my port sight and says it's my owie and kisses the opposite side. So cute. But, when I went to go home, he said I was going to where the helicopter was....meaning he thinks I live at he hospital =( Kinda sad but he hasn't been to my house in awhile and he's little so he doesn't know. I had to laugh. Today, I lounged around and slept. I was so exhausted after working all week. I'm trying so hard to get back full time but I haven't made it by 8am yet. It's hard to get up early after sleeping all the time. Plus, my legs hurt cause I'm not used to being on them so much and my back hurts from sitting at the piano and not being used to it. I haven't played since graduation so it'll take time to get used to it again. But, the pain isn't near as bad as before. It's only a dull ache, which the doctors said I'll get arthritis in my back from the surgery (fun). I know it'll get better in time. God is continuing to heal me every day and I am so thankful for that. Last week, a friend of mine commented on how positive and comical I am about my cancer. I told her that being depressed about it and having a woe is me attitude will get me no where. Positivity and faith in God will conquer this disease and get me through and thats just what I'm doing!! Winning the fight =)

1 comment:

amber said...

I cannot express to you how much I admire you!!! Everytime I read your posts and see how positive you stay through this all is amazing to me. Lately I've been having issues with my back as well, thankfully mine was cured with steriods. So when I was complaining about my back I always thought about you, knowing that you are going through so much more and you're able to stay so positive. Your undying faith in God and your positve attitude are contagious. I just wanted to say thankyou for your posts...they keep me in check with what's really important in life. I love you and I hope you stay well. I promise I'm coming home sometime soon, my baby niece or nephew is on its way any day now and I'll be home for the birth. So when I come I'll get a hold of you and maybe we can hang out. I miss you, stay strong!!!