Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You got the better deal......

So, I got a text tonight from my sister (love you!). She said she was looking at a picture of us from the Rascal Flatts concert in May and complaining about how much thinner her face was then. My reply was: and I had hair! She got pregnant and I got cancer. I told her she got the better deal. My sister-you are beautiful inside and out and being pregnant makes you that much more beautiful! You are going to have a beautiful, cute little baby and once you have that, you'll lose whatever extra weight you may think you have chasing your kids around! It won't take you long at all to look like that picture. No worries =) I, on the other hand, will take awhile, most likely a year or two, before I look even close to how I looked in that picture. My hair looks like peach fuzz, and until I'm done with the stupid chemo, it's not going to grow too fast. And my face and the rest of me.....I feel like I've blown up like a freaking balloon!!! So, you my sister, definitely got the better deal. But, that's ok. I would much rather be the one who has the cancer. =) You just be the one who has lots of nieces and nephews for me to love and spoil. You, my sistere, mean the world to me and are beautiful ALL the time. And you have the greatest husband and family to be thankful for! Both of my sisters do. And I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful family. I just wish everyone was closer. I hate being alone in this town. I know....I'm complaining. But, it's my blog, I'm allowed! And, to top it all off, I got my gas bill today and about passed out. Bills and money are really starting to stress me out. I have so many medical bills and my rent, gas, utilities, grocery's. It's just overwelming. Yes, I have insurance. But there are some things that they are either disputing or not covering so it's money out of my pocket. And I'm starting to worry. BUT-I know God will provide. He always does. So, I will give it all to Him to take care of. And I'll worry about kicking this cancer's butt!!

On a side note-I encourage everyone to go to www.standuptocancer.org It's a great website raising money for cancer research!!

1 comment:

amber said...

I just wanted to say that even though you may not feel beautiful the way you are now, you are!! You have always been a beautiful person, inside and out. It isn't fair that you got cancer, and I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this. If I could take your place, I would in a heartbeat. I've told you before but I want to say it again how inspired you make me to be a better person. You are beautiful, Leigha, the way you are, right at this moment, even without hair! With that said, I understand how you must feel sometimes, and if you would ever like to talk about anything, I'm here for you. If I don't see you before Christmas, know that I think about you all the time, I keep you in my prayers and that I love you to death!!! Have a Merry Christmas!! Love you!