Sunday, December 28, 2008


Well, I woke up this morning feeling fine. Got up to get ready for my day-Church, then Christmas at my Aunt Betty's, then work at CJ's. I decided to eat breakfast before showering so I sat down and ate some cereal. Not even 10 minutes after I finished, I got hit with a huge wave of nausea out of nowhere. Normally when this happens, it's no big deal. I take an anti-nausea pill and am fine. But not today. I had to sprint to the bathroom and yepp.....lost it all. So, it completely ruined my day as I then felt like crap. Missed church, missed Christmas. I knew I couldn't miss work so I slept until about 3:30 then got up to get ready. I felt slightly better and PTL, made it through my shift. Feeling better now, just tired. I'm just completely bummed that I missed Christmas. I missed thanksgiving with this side of the family so I was really looking forward to seeing everyone at Christmas but no....stupid sudden chemo barfing binge. I hate how they come out of nowhere. One minute, I feel great and the next, I'm losing dinner! Sucks. But, thankfully, for the most part, I've been feeling pretty normal. It's been nice to be working at CJ's again. Especially having a little extra money. All these bills are stressing me out!! I'm hoping that I can pick my Weds. night bar shift back up in March. That's when I'll begin my maintanance chemo which is mainly pills. I'm hoping I'll continue to feel as great as I have been (dispite the occasional nausea). It's amazing how this whole expierence has changed me. I feel like a completely different person. God has blessed me so much and I am so thankful for everything He has shown me and done for me. Without Him, I would never have made it through.

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