Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend = ???

Well, this was a.....hard to say really. This entire week was just up and down with the testing and cultures they had to do......ugh. The greatest part of the week was finding out that Bri was my marrow match. And a PERFECT match at that!!! That, by far, was the greatest part of my week. But, this weekend was not the best. I had to have a total of 4 blood cultures done this week because at night, I would spike a fever of over 100 and they would kinda flip out. Well, by the 3rd and 4th culture, I was very annoyed. I told the dr the morning after culture #4 that the reason for the fevers was that my PICC was probably infected. If you recall, I had a hemed when I was first diagnosed that did the same thing as what the PICC was doing. I told the dr this info and finally today, she came in and said that they would take out the PICC today. Finally!! I also needed a unit of platelets and 2 units of blood today. I'm on my second unit right now. Taking the PICC out was not fun. They basically just pull it out of your arm as you take some deep breaths. Kinda sore. Then they re-accessed my port, and stabbed me in the hand to get another IV. My hand still hurts but I'll make due. I'm just glad to have that PICC line out. No more fevers or cultures!!! I had to have a CT scan today on my chest (to make sure there's no infection from the PICC) and also of my stomach (I've been having the worst stomaach pain). I had to drink this stuff that did NOT taste good lol. Praying that those results come back good. So, just been a rough week. My mom came last night. She got here about 845pm and says she isn't leaving until Monday. Which I'm very glad because I get kinda down and lonely and it's nice having her here. I am so ready to get out of here!! Which I know I probably say every blog but oh well. I miss my sister and my little newphews so bad. Yesterday was Brandt's 8th birthday. He's getting so big!! And Logan is so funny. And I'm sure Owen is getting big,. I miss working. The band went to state on Friday night and got a 1. WOOO HOOOOO!!!! Congratulations Dan and the band!!! I so wish I could've been there. I can't wait til next year when I'm cured. It is going to rock!!!! I miss my house!!! Granted, I've never slept there but still. It's home and not a hospital. God is healing me daily. I have no doubts about that. So, I will continue to praise God for everything He has done for me so far and continue to pray for my healing. We serve a mighty God and I am so thankful for that!
*What a Mighty God we serve, What a Mighty God we serve.
Angels bow before Him,Heaven and Earth adore Him
What a Mighty God we serve!!!!

1 comment:

Jamie Temple said...

Keep your head up girl! It won't be long til you are cured! What a wonderful blessing Bri being a PERFECT MATCH!!!!! I knew being a prayer warrior for you would pay off, God Is GOOD!!!!! Don't be discouraged, everything happens in God's time, and I believe that God has GREAT PLANS for you. Love you, hunny!