Friday, May 15, 2009

Quick update

Biopsy today went pretty well. I was slightly nervous with someone completely new and different doing it but it went ok. She numbed it completely to where I couldn't feel a thing. I'm feeling it now though, let me tell ya!! I am so sore. I have to watch how I sit and lay. Not fun. But, I'm pretty sure it went well and with God's will, I'm in remission. I have an appt next Weds with the dr to find out and start going over stuff for the transplant. They want to get it going right away. This part I'm kind've excited about and also nervous. I'm so ready to be cured and back to a normal life! I'll have to spend another 3-4 weeks in the hospital, which I'm not looking forward to but hey-if that's what it takes!! =) God will continue to heal me and bless me. I am so thankful to what He's done so far with me spiritually. If it weren't for Him and my faith.....I don't know where I'd be today. =)

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