Monday, May 4, 2009

CT scan results

Well, I just spent over a half hour blogging and another page I had open froze and go figure.....I closed it and it closed all my pages. So, blog lost. UGH! So, we start over. And we wait to open any other pages apparently.

Anyways........CT results came back today. Chest was clear, which is good. Stomach on the other hand-first off, the sample came back that I had an infection. So the CT of my stomach was abnormal. The infection that I have is called C-DIFF. And its been causing my stomach to hurt very badly, plus some other things. Thankfully they've started me on anti-biotics and I've been on pain meds which they increased due to how strong the pain was getting. So, very thankful it wasn't anything worse but glad they found it and it's being treated quickly. Definitely can't deal with this pain much longer. Plus, I really haven't been eating cause it makes it worse. And surprisingly, I'm not hungry. Thank the Lord for that. On top of the infection, I thought I had something in my eye, so, obviously I was rubbing it-hoping it would come out. Nothing. Used some contact solution-nothing. Nothing was working. Then I noticed a small blood spot on my eye so I called the nurse. She used her little light and didn't see anything but said not to rub it as it would make it worse. She called the doc and he said to put a cold, wet cloth over my eye and if it wasn't better by tomorrow, he'd take a look at it. So, I can not win. It's not bothering me at the moment, PTL. I still have the spot on my eye so we'll see what the dr says tomorrow. All I know is God is giving me such a testimony with all of this! This has been such a

Mom left tonight. I was so glad she was here for 2 days. Really glad she was here yesterday with everything I went through. I know she hates leaving and I wish she could stay longer but it's ok. I'm fine here by myself. And, God willing, I'll be coming home soon!!! My counts today were actually fairly good. Which could either be because A: I got platelets and blood yesterday or B: they're starting to come up. I' going with B and like I said, God is healing me and I will be going home soon!! We'll see what tomorrow's counts say!

*All things bright and beautiful You are
All things wise and wonderful You are
In my darkest night, You brighten up the skies
A song will rise

I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know that You are near is enough
God of heaven come down, heaven come down

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, i am so glad they figured out what was going on with your stomach. Hopefully you will start feeling better in no time. I will be praying that your counts are better because you are getting better. Thank you for blogging all of this. I am sure that sometimes you get tired and don't feel like doing it but I check it everyday (sometimes more than once) to see how you are doing. Stay strong! Oh and by the way, love the song!
