Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New baby nephew....and a TON of snow!!

My sister had her baby yesterday morning. Owen Les, 9lbs, 20 inches long. Big baby!! I was totally going to go up to Ft. Wayne today after work to see him and Bri but the snow kinda put a damper on my plans. School was cancelled today, which I figured it would be. I'll be surprised if we even go tomorrow, considering it's STILL snowing!!! I can't even see my road and I live in town! So, I'm sitting at home, bored today. Fun stuff. I may not get up to see Owen and Bri until this weekend, which is a total bummer. She keeps sending me pictures and he's so cute. I can't wait to see him and hold him! =)
So, I've actually been feeling pretty good this week. Monday night was the only time I've felt bad. I ended up with an awful headache that would not go away. I woke up Tuesday and it was still there so I didn't go to work until 10:00. But, I made it through the day feeling pretty good and I feel decent today as well. No nausea which is nice. I'm so glad I have a 2 week break before I hit the rough stuff. Almost done!! 11 more treatments to go til maintenance!!! Counting down.....

1 comment:

Ridenour Family said...

Tell your sister Congratulations from us! Three boys, huh?! Hopefully all this clears up so you can get up their to hug and kiss him- pictures just don't cut it!