Monday, January 26, 2009

Chemo, chemo, chemo

Today was the wonderful chemo day. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. It went ok. So far so good on the nausea issue. Hoping I feel good so I can make it to work tomorrow. Only a few more weeks of treatment then I'm in maintenance!! I don't go back now for 2 weeks, which will give me a nice break before the really rough stuff hits. When I go back, I'll have 2 weeks of 4 days in a row. Which will suck because not only will I miss like, 2 weeks of work, but it makes me feel horrible. So, pray I make it through with flying colors and feel fine during those 2 weeks. I found out today that the new prescription I'm on is a stinking steroid, which is why I've been eating like a pig and I feel like I've blown up like a balloon. I HATE being on steroids. Thankfully, it's only for another week. We'll see how it goes I guess. My weekend was kinda blah. I didn't feel the best all weekend. Saturday was solo and ensemble for the high schoolers. I made it through even though I was pretty nauseous in the morning. The kids did pretty well, which is great. So, tomorrow its back to the grind. Hoping I feel ok and make it through the whole day. Guess we'll see how I feel tonight and in the morning!

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