Monday, January 5, 2009

Very painful day

Ok, so to describe what it feels like to get a bone marrow biopsy would be to imagine someone taking a very sharp rod and digging into your bone. Whatever pain you think that may be, times it by like 50 and maybe thats how it feels. It is the most painful expierence and I HATE it. My doctor is wonderful though and she talked me through it like she always does. My mama was there by my side too. I was clawing the crap out of my arm though. I still have red marks all over it and the procedure was 7 hours At one point, I clawed my mom's hand. I thought I was going to draw blood. I felt bad but she said it was fine. The doctor was very happy with how the marrow looked and we should have the results by next week. It hurts to even sit here and type. I'm hoping and praying that the pain subsides so I can get a good nights sleep and go to work tomorrow. With the new year, I decided to "dress to impress" so to speak. The book I'm reading says that just because you're sick, doesn't mean you have to look sick. Play dress up...look good! So, that's what I'm planning to do. I used to dress up all the time and I loved it. So, we're going to try it again =) I got alot of great clothes (and shoes!!) for Christmas so I can't wait to wear everything! I also got a treadmill for Christmas which totally kicked my butt yesterday. The doctor told me today that it'll take me a few weeks to be able to run but since I'm young, it won't take me long to get back into it. Hopefully I'll be able to get on it this week but not tonight!! I can barely sit so walking or running is out of the question. All in all, its been a pretty good 2009. But like I said, we're only 5 days in! lol But, with God's awesome guidance and blessings, it will continue to be an awesome year ;)


amber said...

I can't imagine the pain. I'm so sorry you had to go through that...I'll pray for good results for you...but I'm sure it will be. Love ya!!

Stefanie K. said...

i check your blog every day to see if there is a post. i know i don't leave comments, but i think about you and do pray for you. i remember going through all of this with brittany, my niece, about 10 years ago...and look at her now :) i can't wait to read good results next week. take care

Ridenour Family said...

Hi Leigha! We check in on you, and remember you in our prayers. It is so encouraging that you have a positive attitude peeking through even in the rough times. BTW, what book are you reading, if you don't mind my asking.
Hope you are feeling better soon!
~Tricia Ridenour