Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I hate having hiccups!!

I have had the hiccups 4 times today...yes 4!! And yesterday I had them twice. The chemo I started yesterday gives me the hiccups and it is driving me crazy!!! If you remember back in my blog in August, I had this same chemo and it gave me hiccups then too. Only at that time, I still had a fractured back so it was very painful. This time, it's just annoying. This round is also making me nauseous every day. I just keep thinking about March.....just gotta get through the next few weeks!! It's been snowing like crazy all day so it's hard to say if we'll have school tomorrow or not. I love the snow, just hate the nasty roads!! One of my neighbors, not sure who though, plowed out my driveway and sidewalk with their snow blower. Whoever you are-THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! There's no way I could get out there and shovel it out so I am so thankful to whomever plowed me out. God Bless you!!
Everyone stay warm and safe!!

1 comment:

amber said...

The hiccups do suck!! I feel for ya girl!!!