Monday, January 26, 2009

25 random things

1. I sometimes....ok quite a bit, wonder what might've been. Like what if I would've married Chris.....or what if I wouldn't of gotten back together with Travis and stayed dating that other guy.....(this is a big one). What if I would've moved to Chicago with Travis? many what if's.
2. I'm addicted to shoes and clothes (I know, who knew? lol)
3. I still cry at Titanic.
4. I'm watch The Goonies every time it's on TV and own the movie. Greatest movie ever.
5. I kick butt at Guitar Hero. Challenge me....I dare you.
6. I wish I would've gone to college to get my music ed degree. Now I'm too lazy and too busy fighting cancer. And I wouldn't trade what I do now for anything.
7. I think I'm pretty darn funny.....and have a great sense of humor when it comes to my disease.
8. I constantly wish I could be on like Wheel of Fortune or Deal or No Deal. Who doesn't want to win money?
9. I never thought I meant that much to so many people until I got canser. (Yes I spelled it wrong-it has no right to be spelled correctly). I received SO many floweres and cards while in the made me feel great.
10. I didn't hang with the popular kids in school but I was nice to everyone. I had 2 groups of friends I hung out with.
11. I hated my step-dad growing up because I thought he was trying to take the place of my dad and I blamed my mom for my parents divorce. As I got older, (and smarter) I realized it was more my dad's fault and my mom did everything she could to make it work. My step-dad is now someone I cherish very much in my life and am so blessed God brought him to my mom. I wish I could go back and treat him nicer but I know he forgives me =) I was a rotten teenager!!
12. I love to sing but am scared to death to sing in front of people. Ever since I was little, I've dreamed of making it in the music business. Too bad that involves singing in front of millions!!
13. This is the longest I've ever been single since my freshman year in high school.....seriously. I have constantly had a boyfriend for the past 12 years. I have now been single for a year and realize I do not need a man to survive. In the past year, I've learned who I am and what I really want out of a relationship. Ready for my dream man God!! ;)
14. The only thing I remember about going to Florida when I was 2 was walking on these burr things that stung my feet. I remember I had to run into the ocean to get my feet to stop hurting.
15. When I was little, I was constantly looking at the littlest things and wondering what we were doing on this earth. I distinctly remember this peach colored pair of curtains in our old house. I even remember how they felt when you touched them.
16. I had to get 4 stitches in my hand when I was in the 3rd grade. I cut my thumb with a widget making a valentines day box. I tried hiding it from my mom but my sister told on me. I still remember screaming in the ER because they jabbed a needle in the cut to numb it and stitch it up. The nurse tried to make it better by giving me stickers and a sucker.
17. I cried when my nephew Brandt was born. If you really know me and everything I'd been through my senior year, you'll know why.
18. I used to call my sister Sissy when we were little. I could never imagine calling her Bri cause she was my sissy. Now, it'd be funny if I called her sissy rather than Bri.
19. I got pulled over in my dad's 66 red Thunderbird for squeeling the tired while cruising in Van Wert. I was a junior in high school. I told the cop I just didn't know how to drive it (yea right) so he told me to take it home. My dad then sang "And we'll have fun, fun, fun till daddy takes the T-bird away!" haha Man I miss that car
20. I have to sleep with a fan on for the noise. Even if it's freezing..I don't care
21. I once skipped school in high school and went to Ft. Wayne shopping with 3 girlfriends. We so got busted.
22. I've been to 13 Rascal Flatts concerts since 2004 and have met them twice. I used to average about 3 per summer. Yes, I'm obsessed. They are so awesome.
23. I had a huge crush on the guy who lived down the road from us when I was little. At one point he was my hero when I wrecked my bike.
24. I love eating but I'm obsessed with trying to have a perfect body. But not as obessesed as I was considering that's partly how I got cancer.
25. I have never felt more blessed in my life then I do now that I have canser. It's amazing what having a deadly disease does to you, your life and your body.


Olga said...

My Leigha,
So many memories; yes I recall many of those times. You make me laugh and you make me cry! I am so blessed to be your mother because most of all you make me proud. Proud to see the beautiful woman you have become and how you have grown. You have bravely fought and triumphed when you could have given up. You are an inspiration to even me. I LOVE YOU!

Olga said...

From Richard:
I remember a very special day when you were about 13 or 14. I was in the barn working. You wanted to go out with your friends and mom told you to come ask me. I said 'Ok but it will cost you.' You ran across the barn, jumped in my arms and gave me a big hug. You squeezed so hard, I can still feel that hug. That one hug made it all worth it.
As for being single, I believe a wise man once told you that you need to figure out who Leigha is, and get comfortable with who Leigha is, before you will be ready for a serious relationship. I think you're ready. Some guy is going to be very, very lucky.

Casey B said...

That hero wouldn't be my brother Chris by any chance would it? I hope it is cuz he would love to hear that.I remember that day like it was yesterday, we were all swimming at the neighbors house and we were leaving on our bikes but the string on the life vest you were carrying got stuck in the spokes of your bike. I love your "25random things" blog,its funny how you remember the wierdest things that seem so unimportant at the time but leave lasting imprints in your heart. We are all praying for you. Hope you get to feeling better.
Casey Black(Case)

P.S. tell Bri congrats for me!