Monday, September 1, 2008


Monday's are always so rough for me.....I hate them. It's always the day the chemo treatment hits me the worst and I feel awful. Then tomorrow, Tuesday, we start again. But, by the end of the week, I'll feel better again and when Monday comes around, we start all over. But, I know I'm getting better. I know I am. Tomorrow is bone marrow testing for remission and I know God has blessed me and cured me and I am so thankful. I'll also get regular chemo treatment plus IT, which is the chemo in the spine. I'll have to lay flat on my back for 3 hours afterward as to not get a spinal headache. Not fun but we have to make sure we get all the bad cells. I wish I could say it was my last spinal treatment but I know it's not. Once I'm in remission, I have to have 4 treatments a week every 2 weeks for about a month I think. Hopefully, it's not that much-I'll find out tomorrow. I am so ready to go back to school. I miss it so much but I know I have to be healthy and I still have my bad days. I'm definitely ready to go back to coaching and band and I'm hoping I get the clear for that. It's only twice a week for a couple of hours and the games on Fridays. So, we'll see what the dr says. So, keep my in your prayers for tomorrow. It's going to be a gruiling day.

As for the new place, I love it here. I'm hoping and praying that it works out that God provides for me to buy it. I do NOT want to move again. This move was so rough.....I don't think I could handle another one. And this house is so NICE and perfect for me. I already feel at home and am so thankful that I am able to rent it! Thank you so much Larmores!! You guys are truly a blessing and I don't know what I'd do without you!

Lastly, with my busy weekend, I forgot to congratulate my Cavs on your VICTORY over Kokomo on Friday! I knew you could do it!! 2-0! I love my Cavs! =) Great job cheerleaders and band! I heard great reviews! Miss you all!


ed schmackers said...

hi miss wieman, hope that you feel better, hope that you come back to band soon. ....this year you will have me for 6Th grade band, again hope you come back to band, just isn't the same !!!
eddie schmackers

Amy said...

hey it is amy foreman(now longstreth) casey told me about what you are going through. I just wanted to let you know that i am very sorry to hear that you are having difficult times and wanted to let you know that my prayers are with you. It sounds like your spirits are high and most importantly you know where your faith lyes. Always remember that though we may not understand why, god has a plan for all that he throws our way, and he never gives us more than what we can handle. You are a strong person and keep your faith strong and there is nothing you can't handle. My prayers are with you and your family!